STITCH & KIBITZ - Meets Thursdays 2:00PM-4:00PM
The group meets in the Arts & Craft room downstairs in the clubhouse. Residents come and go as their schedules permit and the ladies work on their own projects (embroidery, knitting,crocheting, quilting, etc.).
From time to time, the ladies work on charity projects, making lap blankets for soldiers or knit caps for newborns. If you want to learn a sewing skill, there is probably someone in this group who can teach it to you.
All residents welcome!
QUILT GROUP - Meets the 3rd Monday every Month
We are a social group dedicated to sharing the joy of quilting, improving quilting skills and knowledge by sharing our experiences, techniques, training and resources. We meet monthly and have no dues. Our only requirement is that to participate in group shows, one must donate one quilt to charity annually. Sales of any group projects subsidize our charitable work, which has included community support and Project Linus.
We are planning a group "Shop Hop" and lunch this summer and encourage any interested parties to join us. We welcome new quilters and fabric donations.
- Contact resident Judy Bernard (630-852-7075 / with any questions.
WATERCOLOR PAINTING CLASS - Meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
Learn how easy watercolor painting can be! The class is open and welcome to all levels of skill. You do not need prior art experience to join.
- Contact resident Pam Pulice with any questions.
POTTERY - Meets Various Days and Times
- Contact resident Frank Leonard with any questions.